Learn about the filing rules for married couples regarding retirement and spouses benefits that will help you decide when to claim your benefits. If you are more than one year past full retirement age, go to question 14.Spouse's Social Security number (If none or unknown, so indicate). 13. This is an application for either a current spouse or for applying for benefits based on an ex-spouse's history. Your full spouse's benefit could be up to onehalf the amount your spouse is eligible to receive at their full retirement age. In order to qualify for Social Security spousal benefits, you must be at least 62 years old and your spouse must also be collecting his or her own benefits. Who is eligible for spousal Social Security benefits? Your spouse must also have begun receiving Social Security benefits unless you are widowed. Under Social Security's "deemed filing" rule, you are no longer able to separately claim retirement and spousal benefits. This guidance addresses Social Security spousal benefits: when one spouse retires; in the event of disability; and when one spouse has passed away.