A parent or other legally responsible adult can ask Family Court for a support order for an adult dependent that is developmentally disabled. There is no filing fee in Family Court.Child support and spousal support can be filed in the same petition. Under New York law, this is called "nondurational alimony" and has no set end date. My guess is he probably could if he cannot work, It works both ways with a husband and wife you are both equal under the law. I've seen cases where a divorcing spouse was ordered to permanently pay the disabled spouse monthly until one of them dies. When calculating alimony, SSDI payments are considered income, while SSI is not. The Family Lawyer can help with your question about qualifying for alimony due to disability and income differences in your divorce. Social Security benefits are a potential source of child support, spousal support, or alimony–or as additional income that lessens alimony obligations. If you are legally married and you are not living with your spouse and not already in the process of divorce, you can seek spousal support in Family Court.