Fill in the date that you were married, and the city and state where you were married. If you do not know this information, and you were married in Maricopa.Answer: In Maricopa County you and your future spouse will need to go together the clerk's office to obtain your marriage license. Please fill out the form below to let us know how we can serve you during this time of need. You can use Form 140EZ to file if all of the following apply to you: You are single, or if married, you and your spouse are filing a joint return. You need to provide identification and possibly proof of age. Applying for Child Support services is more convenient than ever when you apply online through the AZCARES Child Support Customer Portal! However, filing for divorce on your own may be complicated even if the spouses want to part amicably. If you prefer to mail your public records request, complete this form, print, and mail to the address listed. Social Security numbers for everyone, or proof that a Social Security number has been applied for.