Spousal support is decided on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes spousal support is needed to make sure both parties are taken care of after a divorce.For the filing spouse, you'll have to tell the court you need financial support in your petition for divorce. Michigan alimony laws allow for spousal support payments from one party to another in a divorce to maintain a similar standard of living. The most common form of alimony in Michigan is Periodic Spousal Support. The best way to keep your alimony payments low or avoid alimony altogether is to work with an experienced Michigan divorce lawyer. Alimony law in Michigan is a complex issue and will be outlined below to aid those contemplating or currently seeking divorce. There is no specific Michigan Alimony formula. Under Michigan law, spousal support payments will end upon the remarriage of the receiving spouse or when either party passes away. Alimony, or spousal support, is the court-ordered payment of money to the current or former spouse in proceedings of divorce.