This Bahamas Marriage License Application Priority Registration form allows you to complete the marriage license Bahamas online application. Fill out appropriate form.Both parties must produce a valid passport, birth certificate, and photo ID. The parties must also produce evidence of the date of their arrival in The Bahamas. Application forms for a marriage license are available in the parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Nassau. How to fill out the Islamic Marriage Application and Request Form? 1. Read the instructions carefully. 2. You have to first obtain a Marriage License and then have a Marriage Ceremony in the City Clerk's Office or a Marriage Ceremony outside the City Clerk's Office. You can view or download a Bahamian marriage license application here. Our network of Muslim men and women in Nassau Bahamas is the perfect place to make Muslim friends or find a Muslim boyfriend or girlfriend in Nassau Bahamas. If either of the parties herein described is under 18 years, a Certificate of the.