Packets of forms are available for sale to be used in filing a new case or modifying a case in either the Family or Civil courts. Learn about the different types of alimony in Florida.The type, amount, and duration are determined on a case-by-case basis. Free Florida alimony calculator to estimate annual alimony payments and monthly alimony payments. Alimony can be awarded in a lump sum, on a monthly basis, or in some combination of the two. Alimony, commonly known as spousal support, refers to the financial support one spouse may be required to pay to the other after a Divorce or Legal Separation. You file a petition in court that includes all facts and supporting evidence on why the court should grant alimony. Contact our law office in Orlando, FL to find out how we can help you with your alimony dispute, too. The divorcing parties may agree on spousal support amicably, or a family court judge may order monetary payment based on their circumstances. Alimony is a common factor in many divorce cases.