--In proper cases, upon petition, the court may allow a spouse reasonable alimony pendente lite, spousal support and reasonable counsel fees and expenses. In Pennsylvania you or your spouse must have lived in Pennsylvania for at least six (6) months before a divorce complaint is filed.To request an alimony modification, a party must file a motion to modify or terminate alimony with their local county court clerk. To qualify for post divorce alimony award in Pennsylvania, a person must demonstrate a financial need. How do you file for divorce if you're in the U.S. and your spouse is overseas? A judgment of divorce from a state court in the US may be recognized overseas. You may want to consult an attorney in the foreign country to find out. After you have filled out Form 1, make two copies of Form 1. There is no requirement for both parties to meet the residency requirement. Our separation is out in the open and it is getting to the point where community members outside our immediate social circle are asking questions.