In Arizona, either spouse in a divorce can have their family law attorney request an order for spousal maintenance or spousal support. A spouse who believes they are entitled to receive spousal maintenance to account for this disparity can file for such in the state of Arizona.Are you required to provide spousal maintenance? Contact our spousal maintenance lawyers near you in Phoenix, Arizona. When couples in Arizona file for divorce, either spouse may request the court issue an order for Spousal Maintenance or Spousal Support. This packet contains court forms and instructions to file a change to a Court order for spousal maintenance or spousal maintenance and child support. Their number is 602-506-7948. If your spouse doesn't agree to a modification, your next step will be to file a request for a modification out of which the support was originally ordered. Keep in mind that you must reside in Arizona for at least 90 days before you are eligible to file your divorce here. The receiving spouse can file a modification petition to extend the award if the disability continues before its expiration.