Get a family visa for the UK, live with your spouse or relative - eligibility, proof, renewing, financial and English language requirements. Yes, each person completes their own application, but depending upon availability you may be able to enrol your biometrics at the same time.Find out everything you need to know about Spouse and Marriage Visas in the UK, plus get a free Spouse Visa assessment - Call Now. I'm in a settlement group on FB and a woman asked about filling out her husband's visa application for him from in the UK while he is outside. The UK spouse visa application forms are online application forms – you will not be submitting any paper application forms. " Kendal Shelley, Wife, Lexington County Jail, SC. "Amazing. Called today "the Father of Connecticut", Thomas Hooker was a towering figure in the early development of colonial New England. Clonaid is an American-based human cloning organization, registered as a company in the Bahamas. You can walk or bike from the main campus to the main street in a few blocks. With a National Trust membership, you'll help protect unforgettable places for future generations.