Get a family visa for the UK, live with your spouse or relative - eligibility, proof, renewing, financial and English language requirements. TurboCourt will ask you questions and use your answers to fill out the forms you need for your family law case.The San Bernardino Superior Court offers you this free online program to fill out the forms to request or respond to a Domestic Violence Restraining Order. Marriage License Requirements These are the requirements for obtaining a marriage license. Applicants must be unmarried and at least 18 years of age. Each applicant must complete and sign a visa application, filling in each of its sections. You must apply for a Spouse Visa to live in the UK with your partner. Eligible applicants include those who are married, in a civil partnership, or unmarried. By utilizing the links below you can find information and application forms to some of the more common license transfers and changes. Can I Sponsor My Other Relatives in the Same Application as My Parents?