The application fee for the processing of the request for such a Certificate of Domestic. This packet is designed so that you may be able to represent yourself and complete your divorce without an attorney.You must complete and submit the form, "Termination of Domestic Partnership of Enrollees of Any of the Suffolk. A couple who intends to be married in New York State must apply in person for a marriage license to any town or city clerk in the state. The spouse (the husband or wife who the Plaintiff wants to divorce) is the Defendant. For outstanding representation in spousal support conflicts, obtain a Suffolk County spousal support lawyer from Lynn Poster-Zimmerman, PC. Certain applicants may apply through NY State of Health while others may need to apply through their Local Department of Social Service (LDSS). The Suffolk Circuit Court Clerk's Office is located in the Mills E Godwin Courts Building. You can apply for a General Vendor license if: You are a veteran or surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner of a veteran. Apply for a licence to hold marriage and Civil Partnerships at your venue.