All payment amount fields in the Payee "B" Record will contain zeros. A writeoff is when you claim tax deductions on the money spent as an independent contractor on eligible expenses.Use Schedule A (Form 1040) to figure your itemized deductions. This Manual is a procedural guide for the administration of a construction contract. A 2 as the first numerical digit to the right of the decimal indicates that the student taking the course is identified as a participant in Gifted Education. If you would like to fill out your Kentucky forms and schedules without software help or assistance you may use the KY File website. What do you notice about how "1 out of 10" is written in decimal form? DETROIT Fifty years later, a man who grew up in suburban Detroit tried to return a very overdue baseball book to his boyhood library. What do you notice about how "1 out of 10" is written in decimal number form? DJ services. Payment.