1. Complete and sign the "Motion to Withdraw from Summary Consent Decree Process. " The form is in the Summary Consent Decree packet.Once the form is filled out and submitted to MCSO, the contractor shall be notified if approved and a jail access identification card will be issued. Refer to Administrative Regulation 2.3. 6 Withdrawal for information regarding withdrawal procedures. Transaction privilege tax deduction codes are used in Schedule A of Forms TPT-2 and TPT-EZ to deduct income exempt or excluded from tax. Co-op applications must identify community representation for each activity and project in the Prop 302 application. A perpetrator who will exploit a vulnerable adult will often put themselves in a position of caregiver to the victim and may abuse them, as well. Coordination. Staff is currently working with the Bureau of Reclamation on an amendment to the 1990 Management. Contract (Form 52642) for this special housing type.