Instructions and information to assist you in completing this form. The producers want me to sign a contract that spells out how I'll get compensated.LawDepot's questionnaire helps you easily draft a Performance Contract in minutes. Please fill out the following application in its entirety and return the completed application with all requested documentation to the Licensing Division. □ Worker's Compensation Affidavit. In some cases, this is out of a business necessity, like when two people reach an agreement without having a pen and paper handy. Other premises which has an entertainment license in the Town of Rockport? WCPA shall submit to Mohegan Gaming Advisors itemized monthly statements, in a form satisfactory to the Company, of such Approved Venue. The decision provides employers with guidance on drafting enforceable choiceoflaw provisions in employment agreements. When the parties are disputing a written contract, the terms of the agreement are right there, in the document.