Instructions and information to assist you in completing this form. A person responsible of a minor seeking to enter a child into an entertainment contract must petition the Probate and Family Court for approval.To apply for an Entertainment License, please provide the following: Complete Entertainment License Application and Emergency Contact Form (attached). Attorney Rubin provides skilled, knowledgeable representation and advice to individual artists of all kinds in need of contract negotiation. Completed Application for Entertainment License Application filed with the Town Administrator. Office, 190 South Street, Plainville, MA 02762. All applications for entertainment licenses must be submitted in writing and shall fully and specifically describe the conditions of the proposed entertainment. Town of Billerica Criminal Record Background Check form must be filled out and submitted to the Billerica Police Department. Not all owners know which terms should be included in the contracts they use, however. (the "Agreement"), dated as of December 30, 2013 (the "Effective Date"), is entered into by.