Read the instructions before completing this form. This page provides access to the majority of standard templates related to contracting.This Tender may be downloaded directly from the two (2) websites and a notification of the advert can be viewed on the CIDB website. Regular Minnesota income tax does not apply to entertainers who are residents of other states and perform in Minnesota. The CIP revenue source codes used in the project pages are listed at the end of this section. To Entertainment Circle. She is well versed in the most current standard forms of contract and has an excellent working knowledge of the NEC, JCT, and FIDIC suites of contracts. We welcome your interest and involvement in the legislative process of Escondido. Our team works with the Mexican government and other program partners to advance environmental goals in the U.S. - Mexico border region. When completing Form 1099-NEC, enter the total compensation paid to the entertainer in box 1 (nonemployee compensation).