A new contract is required each fiscal year (July 1 June 30). Contractors remain eligible through June 30 of each year.In 22 hours — The RIISE project supports building new infrastructure to enhance rail capacity, accommodate increased freight. Adopt the Resolution amending the TransNet Local Street Improvement Program of Projects for Fiscal Year 2024. Birat Pandey provided valuable advice for selected tasks of the project. She is well versed in the most current standard forms of contract and has an excellent working knowledge of the NEC, JCT, and FIDIC suites of contracts. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Complete only Section 1 or 2. In the case of Durban, the city requested a study to evaluate Durban's natural capital and its role in Green Urban Development (GUD). Respondent as a Transnet Vendor to facilitate for payment in the execution of the Agreement between.