14th Annual International Film Finance Forum. Amidst a critical moment in the fight for music creators' rights, the Recording Academy celebrates the difference-makers in entertainment law.Our mission is to provide Loyola students a venue to learn, discuss, and achieve careers in the field of entertainment and sports law. Our team of experts, law professionals, and entertainment attorneys, can help manage your film, television, literary, sports and entertainment law needs. Our law office is here to assist artists and entertainers who are established and even those who are not so established to get their visa to perform in the US. Telephone Number. Email. Message. SEND. Covington's entertainment and media lawyers assist studios, television networks and stations, streaming services, music companies, digital gaming companies. Lawyers can simplify the path, so that artists can create their music. The entertainment track prepares students to represent the full spectrum of collaborators in the entertainment industry. The Elon Law Flex Program will replicate, over four years or more, our highly experiential curriculum with the same distinguished faculty teaching in-person.