Reputable credit counselors can advise you on managing your money and debts, help you develop a budget, and offer free educational materials and workshops. Information to help you select and pay off college loans, and tips for spotting and avoiding student loan scams.Through the Cuyahoga County Debt Repayment program, eligible. ESP services assist with money management, reducing credit card debt, reviewing mortgage payments, covering out-of-pocket health care maintenance needs. MMI's Debt Management Plan (DMP) can help you resolve your credit problems and repay your debt. Setting up a payment plan with the IRS gives you a little more time to pay off your tax debts. A lien is a legal claim to property that is used as collateral to repay a debt, such as an auto loan. In order to file, you must fill out detailed forms describing your income, expenses, what you own and any debts. Call 855-764-LOAN (5626) for more information. There are some legal limits on the county's ability to borrow money to pay for a jail.