It is a way of consolidating all of your debts into a single loan with one monthly payment. Eliminating expensive credit card debt means more money to improve quality of life and less toward interest payments.Financial aid loan repayment information for Hillsborough Community College students. Complete the following forms and notarize the ones with a notary signature line: A. 12 Rules of Courtroom Civility - (does not need to be notarized). These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for the sealing and expungement of court records. I will take you through how you can conquer your debt in three main steps and to really hit it home for you. The filing is not required, but it can be an important factor in recovering your debt. Payments for criminal debt, such as special assessments, fines, and restitution, can be made online at pay. Debt snowball: With this strategy for getting out of debt, you focus on paying off your smallest balance first. If the collection agency cannot validate the debt, they must cease contact with you.