To dispute a debt, you must write a letter to the debt-collection agency within 30 days of their initial contact with you. New York State participates in several programs that allow us to offset money owed to you, such as a refund, and apply it to your outstanding debt.You can file a complaint about a business that collects debts owed to another person or agency, including non-governmental child support collections. You may be eligible to enter into a payment plan with the Department of Finance. Use this form to make court ordered criminal debt payments to the US District Court, Western District of New York. Individuals may file for bankruptcy "pro se" or without an attorney. However, filing for bankruptcy can result in serious financial consequences. Although bankruptcy most likely can help if you're drowning in credit card debt, there are still rules that apply and careful procedures that must be followed. It is a complicated process requiring over 50 pages of documents to be filed with the Federal Government, and any mistakes are held against you. (If applicable) Our records show that you have made the following payment in partial satisfaction of this debt (fill in dates and amounts paid) ______.