A holdover case is brought to evict a tenant or a person in the apartment who is not a tenant for reasons other than simple nonpayment of rent. The courts have established rules for probate, inheritance, and the transfer of an estate when someone dies without a will in New York.It's a call to experience opposite ways of life without letting them permanently change who you are. An eviction is a court process a landlord can use to evict a tenant from a rented room, apartment, house, or mobile home. Any registered New York voter may apply for an early mail ballot. End of Life Choices New York pursues legal and legislative reform to ensure a patient's right to a peaceful death. You moved into or out of New York City or Yonkers. A guide to completing the free NY Health Care Proxy Form. Although you can complete a divorce without your spouse's consent, you must take steps to notify him or her of your intention to divorce. Fill out the NYU Application for Certificate of Eligibility (AFCOE) online after you're admitted to the university and pay your enrollment deposit.