To calculate your estimated DTI ratio, simply enter your current income and payments. We'll help you understand what it means for you.Your debt-to-income ratio illustrates how much of your current monthly income is required to cover outstanding debt. Your debttoincome ratio is a percentage that compares your monthly debt payments to your gross monthly income. The debttoincome (DTI) ratio is a key financial metric that measures the percentage of your monthly gross income allocated to debt payments. So your DTI can tell them how much of your income you're already paying toward debt. To determine your DTI, first add up all of your monthly debt payments (use minimum payments for revolving credit such as credit cards). Add up your total monthly bills. Your debt-to-income ratio shows how much of your available income is already needed to pay off debts. Debttoincome ratio, or DTI, measures your total monthly debt against your total monthly income.