A sample shareholders resolution for appointing a new director to fill a vacant seat on the corporation's board of directors. How to fill out a resolution of the Board of Directors?Date, time, and location of the meeting. Get a stepbystep breakdown of how to appoint a new director from nomination to board resolution template. 1) Fill in all the required boxes: Meeting Name, Estimated Attendance, Your Name,. Your Email, Phone Number, and Event Type. This is how to easily fill out Appointment of Director or Officer - Resolution Form - Corporate Resolutions in 2024. This template written board resolution is suitable for you to use if your company has the model articles of association. CESC Resolution on the Conduct of the Council Appointment Process to Fill In the Vacant Councilor Positions of the UP College of Education Student Council. This template written board resolution is suitable for you to use if your company has the model articles of association.