Each Resolution is listed below the meeting date that it was put forth under. Complete a mid-year financial review.Go over your budget, savings, debts and investments to see where you stand with the financial goals you set in January. Member Thompson discussed standardizing the resolution paperwork with blank, that can be filled in and posted on the Fulton County Website. Operational Hours AM - PM Mon. If you do not know an attorney and you live in the Atlanta Area, you should contact the Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at 404-521-0777. The Reparations Task Force serves as an advisory body to the Board of Commissioners to investigate and provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. When parties in a case are in conflict, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services may assist in resolving the dispute. In the Matter of Resolution Authorizing Appointment ). Upon submission of proof of attaining a certificate of competency, the successful candidate shall make application to the City for a license.