Each Resolution is listed below the meeting date that it was put forth under. The resolution could be filled out and returned to the county to help with consistency in the paperwork.Entries of settlement may be filed at any time. Parties are required to submit proposed Child Support Worksheets, Child Support. Addendum, and Parenting Plans at the 30-Day Status Conference. Appeals to Primary and Secondary Variance decisions shall be filed with the Fulton County Superior Court within 30 days of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision. Within thirty (30) days from the filing date of the Complaint or no later than 48 hours before the 30- Day Status Conference, whichever date is later. Effective November 23, 2022, all 30-Day Notices should be mailed to our office. Resolutions of Fulton and DeKalb Counties. R 276-2024(a) RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF MADISON AUTHORIZING APPOINTMENT OF ANTHONY AMMIRATO TO THE POSITION OF TRUCK DRIVER IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT.