Madam President, Mr. SecretaryGeneral, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,. For the past few years, I've had the honor of writing speeches with some of America's greatest (American) football players.Follow our guide for everything you need to include in your speech When you win an award or honor, it's traditional to share a few words. IDNYC is the largest and most successful municipal ID program in the country! IDNYC is a card for all New Yorkers, regardless of their immigration status. Acceptance speeches are transcribed from video and audio recordings of the Awards ceremonies. Kamala Harris spoke at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday to formally accept the party's nomination for president. We fact checked her claims. Behind him are New York City Mayor Robert Wagner (right), who placed Kennedy's name in nomination, and Kennedy's wife, Ethel. Letter Accepting the Republican Party Nomination for Presidency of the United States, Columbus, Ohio - July 8, 1876