You can schedule an in-person appointment for a Marriage Ceremony, Marriage License, and other select services through Project Cupid. The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource.Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide. You deserve to feel accomplished, confident, and happier this year, so here's how to set resolutions you'll actually keep through 2025. Are love and romance priorities for you in the new year? "Resolved That the now authorized, or having applied for authority to do a captive insurance business in the State of New. Complete Form CMS1MN, Request for Conciliation Conference and fax to 5184358554. If you prefer, you may mail or hand-deliver Form CMS-1-MN. Reflect on relationships and set goals for improvement in the new year, creating a roadmap for growth and connection. Based on the answers, take your "positive" leaders and schedule more of them in the new year.