The Speech Lab offers many services to students enrolled in a Speech class or any other class requiring an individual or group presentation. Madam President, Mr. SecretaryGeneral, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,.Several relatively important happenings during the year include: 1. The publication of the MANUAL OF. PHOTOGRAPHIC IKTERPRETATlON and. Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy's full acceptance speech at the 1960 Democratic National Convention at the Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California. Acknowledge their role in your success. The naturalization ceremony is the culmination of the naturalization process. Web links and contact phone numbers for online Services, Tele-Centers and Tele-Serv and checking claim status. Texas Hearing Institute, formerly known as The Center for Hearing and Speech, is the most comprehensive resource for pediatric hearing loss. Letter Accepting the Republican Party Nomination for Presidency of the United States, Columbus, Ohio - July 8, 1876