Visitation Provider (Nonprofessional), within 30 days of appointment as a visitation supervisor in a case. Welcome to the Superior Court of Santa Clara County.Jury Service, E-Filing, Traffic Tickets, Self-Help, Contact Clerk's Office. Claim forms and instructions are available online and from the City Clerk's Office, 408-615-2220, 1500 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050. BACKGROUND. Generally, the Public Employment Retirement Law (PERL) requires that retired annuitants serve a. Supporting documents for meetings are uploaded as they become available, with written documents scheduled to be posted online 24 hours in advance of… Find resources and instructions for submitting a claim, including how file a claim in a timely manner and how to dispute a claim. Select a service to schedule an appointment. If it is an emergency that can't wait 24 hours, notify a Deputy right away. Select a service to schedule an appointment.