(1) The general duties of the speaker are to: (a) call the House to order at the time scheduled for convening, and proceed with the daily order of business;. A public body may not hold an electronic meeting unless the public body has adopted a resolution, rule, or ordinance governing the use of electronic meetings.The notice shall be given not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the commencement of the meeting. Appointment procedures for appointed members. All Board appointments shall be selected in the following manner: 1. Usually, one gets a public defender at the initial appearance after filling out a financial affidavit and a determination of eligibility is made. Requirements of paragraph IV D at least 24 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting. Individuals seeking help must qualify under Utah Legal Services' guidelines. The County Commission must consider year-end appointments after January 1 of the following year. 10. If you want to make changes after you have signed the form, fill out a new form and destroy the old one.