Such notice must be delivered or posted, as applicable, at least 24 hours before the time of such meeting as specified in the notice. The HS Resolution Specialist (or designee for after business hours) will be notified immediately of the emergency request. 4.Meeting agendas must be posted on most agency websites no later than 24 hours in advance of all regular and special meetings (RCW 42.30. 077 and RCW 42.30.080). Please complete the online form below to submit your public comments or make a public meeting accommodation request. The Washington State Republican Party's by-laws and resolutions outline the Committee's purpose and vision for the future! The statute further stipulates that if conferees cannot reach an agreement within 48 hours after appointment, they must report in disagreement. Regular meetings do not require any special notice, but special meetings may be held only after the media is notified at least 24 hours in advance. HCVP Customer Service Center – 702 H Street NW, Washington DC 20001: Hours: Monday-Friday (except holidays), 9AM – 3PM Appointments Available: Monday – Friday To schedule a Counseling appointment with LWTech's oncampus faculty mental health counselor, please complete out our counseling request form.