SAA has developed some appointment letter templates that can be used to inform employees of their new position, salary increase, or new appointment status. Visit Scheduler.esd.wa.Gov to quickly self-schedule your appointment or call the WorkSource office listed in your letter. I Got a letter in the mail saying i must schedule an appointment with a WorkSource employment specialist. It is a pleasure to inform you that the Department of ____ has recommended your appointment at the rank of ____, effective ____. Washington Connection offers you a fast and easy way to apply for a variety of public benefits. This policy describes the requirements for all UW classified employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions considered classified nonunion. The first in the visitation process is to become an approved visitor. Reside in the State of Washington (RCW 28B.15.014). All persons who wish to seek gainful employment in Germany are required to obtain a residence permit in the form of a visa.