Most municipal court matters are heard virtually through ZOOM. In-person hearings are scheduled at the Judge's discretion on an individual basis.Date the letter of offer after all University signatures are obtained but prior to sending to candidate for signature. Courts may refer parties to an ADR process at any time after an action has been commenced and are encouraged to do so at the earliest appropriate time. All appointive officers shall qualify within two weeks following their appointment. 1 This Resolution approved "Guidelines on the Appointment and Use of Special. Crisis Receiving and Stabilization Facilities: Crisis stabilization facilities providing shortterm. No collection on December 25 alternate collection for paper recycle only Routes 6, 8, 11, 12 will be picked up on Saturday, December 28. The tax herein levied shall be for one year only, to wit, the year 2023-24. The completed worker compensation packet should be received in the Human Resources Department within 24 hours of the incident during the week.