The Alameda County Lawyer Referral Service can match you with a pre-screened Alameda County attorney qualified to help you with your legal issues. Our mission is to promote excellence in the legal profession and to facilitate equal access to justice.Offering services for lawyers and for the public. Find out how to resolve a problem without going to court, file a complaint against a lawyer, and how to get money back from an unethical attorney below. Alameda County Bar Association volunteer attorneys provide pro bono services to low-income individuals. Phone: 510-302-2222, option 4. This page contains a brief overview of the Alameda County Bar Association as well as the contact information and a link to their website. Call Attorney Search Network toll free at (800) 215-1190 or fill out our online form for a Alameda County lawyer referral. The Alameda County Bar Association (ACBA) is a voluntary-bar association with approximately 1,500 members. Enter a city and state in the search bar below to find state and local bar associations.