Refer to the enclosed California Rules of Court and Rules of The State Bar of California as you complete the application and attachments. Print out and complete the Foreign Legal Consultant Application and Checklist (printable pdf); Submit according to the instructions found in the application.In most states (including CA and NY) you can qualify to sit for the bar with a one-year LLM degree. If you do not have a qualifying foreign law degree, you are not eligible to take the California bar exam. A prospective lawyer must take the bar exam in the state where they hope to practice. The most flexible requirements can be found in New York and California. A foreign lawyer cannot provide legal services in the United States without being admitted to at least one state's bar. It also describes the application process, permitted and prohibited activities, and annual reporting requirements. Please be aware that processing time of Foreign Legal Consultant applications take a minimum of four months, providing that your initial filing is complete. FOREIGN LAW SCHOOLS and FOREIGN-LICENSED ATTORNEYS.