To speak with a representative, please call 800-843-9053 if you are in California. If you are calling from out-of-state, please call 415-538-2000.Legal Help, File a Complaint, Check Legal Professional Discipline, Hiring a Legal Professional, Public Records, Public Service Center While the State Bar does accept charges submitted in writing we encourage you to call the Intake Hotline prior to submitting a written charge. New York State permits admission on motion, without examination, for applicants who have practiced for five of the preceding seven years. If you need additional help, call Member Resource Center at 800-582-2452 or 518-463-3200, or email Member Resource Center (MRC) for support. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, contact your state or local LAP. Click a state to access the LAP contact. A foreign lawyer cannot provide legal services in the United States without being admitted to at least one state's bar. Fill out all spaces on the California Attorney Complaint Form completely.