Complete the Registration Application: Once you have created an account, fill out and submit the registration application. This page contains a brief overview of the State Bar of California as well as the contact information and a link to their website.The State Bar licenses and regulates California attorneys, and promotes access to justice and inclusion. 800-843-9053 The ABA offers countless resources to lawyers, judges, law students and those who are interested in law-related issues. Monday through Friday, am to pm. The ABA is the largest voluntary association of lawyers in the world. The State Bar Association provides consumer services for the public and professional services for lawyers in the State of California. All information is available in the complete text of Supreme Court Rule 51.5 and Addendum 2. Promoting Professional Excellence in the Law: Serving Lawyers in Every Practice Area in Every Corner of Pennsylvania The Petition elicits certain information including the petitioner's history of bar admissions.