As a young lawyer, you can join up to 5 sections that offer free memberships at no charge. The State Bar of Texas Computer and Technology Section worked with TexasBarCLE to create a series of short videos about technology-related topics.Maximize Your Membership. The State Bar of Texas offers services to help Texas attorneys with their law practices. This session explores the leadership challenges that arose in the wake of the 2020 COVID19 pandemic and the widespread protests. Bank of America has offered our cardholders free general admission - during the first full weekend of every month - to more than 225 cultural institutions. Committee of the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar. City-funded 'CUNY Reconnect' program has helped more than 33,000 students who left college to return and resume their educational journey. Find the best criminal attorney serving Bronx. 76 9th Ave, New York Mon-Sat 10am-8pm Sun 11am-7pm Hours may vary based on holidays and events.