The California State Bar permits nonCalifornia admitted lawyers to practice as inhouse counsel in the state under certain circumstances. Rule 1.0 Purpose and Function of the Rules of.The California Rules of Professional Conduct are a critical framework for dictating how attorneys and paralegals behave. New California State Bar Rule Requires Lawyers to Report Misconduct: Rule 8.3 Explained. The Justices entirely rejected one proposed rule regarding an attorney's obligations to clients "with diminished capacity. Here, we give you an overview of how you will see Professional Responsibility on the California Bar Exam - including how to best tackle the subject! In that lawyer's law firm has violated, is violating, or will violate. A lawyer must self-report to the State Bar, within 30 days, any of eight different events. Seven of the events are specified in California Bus. Passing the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE).