Calculate whether you passed the California bar exam with our CA bar score calculator. Enter your essay, performance testing, and MBE scores.The following calculator will accurately estimate a Written Scaled Score and Total Score for the last eight California bar exam administrations. This calculator is based on available statistics from NCBE and NYBOLE and should accurately reflect the majority of examinees sitting for the exam. This calculator will accurately estimate a Written Scaled Score and Total Score for the last thirteen California bar exam administrations. The following calculator will accurately estimate a Written Scaled Score and Total Score for the July 2017 or February 2018 California bar exam administration. Please enter values where employee's gross earnings are neither equal to nor less than the total of withholdings. Employee's Gross Earnings. To use this calculator, simply input your current percentage on an assignment, test or exam as well as the value it has towards your final grade. Looking to calculate your California 18 wheeler accident settlement quickly?