Clark is charged in six counts with violation of his oath and duties as an attorney (Bus. The rule against contacting a represented party seems straightforward, but it presents various nuances and ethical risks.The State Bar seeks public comment on amendments to California Rules of Professional Conduct 1.2 and 8.4 and on a new rule, 8.4.2. All investigations of possible attorney misconduct are conducted through the Office of Bar Counsel. The State Bar publishes a booklet called The California State Bar Act and Rules of. Rule 4.4 only addresses inadvertently transmitted information from someone other than a lawyer's client. State Bar of California, 800 P.2d 859 (Cal. Petitioner was admitted to practice law in this state in 1930. The Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility makes available advisory opinions on the ethical considerations of the practice of law. The Bar regulates approximately 18500 active attorneys and provides education and development programs for the legal profession and the public.