Maximize Your Membership. The State Bar of Texas offers services to help Texas attorneys with their law practices.The Online Membership Directory provides basic information about Attorneys licensed to practice in Texas. Texas Must be within 4 semester hours of completing all requirements for graduation. New York State permits admission on motion, without examination, for applicants who have practiced for five of the preceding seven years. In 1927, Clark went to work as a civil attorney in the Dallas County District Attorney's Office, working there until 1932, when he returned to private practice. Principal office: 2911 Turtle Creek Blvd, Suite 1400, Dallas, Texas 75219. Wesley Osborn represents clients in complex litigation and contract matters with an emphasis on surety, construction, and contract claims. Clark is an expert Texas TABC attorney. Prior to joining Vela Wood, Clark served as General Counsel at the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission from 2017-2022.