Once you've decided to take your grievance about an attorney to the State Bar, you need to file an attorney complaint form. Find out how to resolve a problem without going to court, file a complaint against a lawyer, and how to get money back from an unethical attorney below.Instructions for Filing a Complaint Against a California Attorney. Fill out all spaces on the California Attorney Complaint Form completely. Visit the link to select the complaint form in the preferred language. In California, Rule 5.21 of the Rules of the Procedure of the State Bar imposes a general time limit of five years from the date of violation. The first thing you should do is reach out to the investigator, introduce yourself, and state that you intend to fully comply with the investigation. The form asks you to provide a clear statement of the problem you are having. In this statement, include important information and relevant dates. Just fill out a State Bar grievance form or send us a letter describing the problem.