The trust accounting handbook is a practical guide created to assist attorneys to comply with recordkeeping standards for client trust accounts. When the State Bar asks you how much money you're holding for the client or what you've done with it while you've had it, you must report it to the State Bar.In this guide, we will explore the importance of client trust accounts and provide an overview of how you should set up and maintain them. A client trust account is a separate account where lawyers hold and look after money on behalf of their clients. The client trust bank account is set up so that the interest the account earns will be paid to the State Bar of California. Find the best estate planning attorney serving Contra Costa County. His background in business litigation and accounting has helped him navigate the complex issues of his practice. Banks report trust account overdrafts and checks presented against insufficient funds (whether or not paid) to the Washington State Bar Association. As we settled in the North Bay Area, we started working with community leaders and other local attorneys and businesses. Use our Wichita Discount Card to get discounts, coupons, and savings in the Wichita Area.