Applicants don't have to provide proof of citizenship or residency, but if you are a foreign attorney, you may not take the Attorneys' Examination. If a match is found, fill-in your contact information and briefly describe your legal issue.Include WHO, WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE. Yes.California and New York do not have reciprocity.i.e. CCCBA serves legal professionals and the community. CCCBA's Lawyer Referral Service provides the community with a low-cost resource to solve legal problems. If they want to practice in California, they have to take, and pass, the CA bar exam. To qualify, attorneys must have been active members of the California State Bar, in good standing, for at least 10 years before appointment. Three are through the California Bar: Registering for the Bar, Completing the Moral Character Application, and Applying for the Bar. Three are through the California Bar: Registering for the Bar, Completing the Moral Character Application, and Applying for the Bar.