Please fill out the registration form below. The character and fitness section of your application is a very important first step towards becoming a licensed attorney.The Character and Fitness application is the ultimate background check to make sure you are morally fit for the practice of law. Applicants must be completely candid in completing the Application and answering follow-up questions from the Office of Bar Admissions on behalf of the. Board. I also prosecute character and fitness cases where the admissions board has recommended that an applicant be denied admission. See information about the Bar Admission Ceremonies such as FAQ's, dates, times, locations and other special instructions. The BLE requires students to fill out additional documents to assess the character and fitness of every law student who seeks to practice law in. Texas. Deceased. Bar Card Number: 04740000. We will affirm the dismissal. BACKGROUND. One of the ARDC's main purposes is to assist the Supreme Court in determining lawyers' fitness to practice law in Illinois.