The following calculator will estimate your Part A Scaled Score for the February 2019, July 2018 and February 2018 Florida bar exam administrations. This calculator is based on available statistics from NCBE and NYBOLE and should accurately reflect the majority of examinees sitting for the exam.Calculate how much Alcohol you need for your wedding, event, or party in Florida with the fun and easy With A Twist Alcohol Calculator. Welcome to Florida Child Support Calculator. The Calculator on this site may make it easier for you to understand how child support is calculated. Wondering how much alcohol you will need for your next event? Accurately calculate taxes on tipped wages to run payroll for employees in bars and restaurants. Our calculator is free and easy. Florida's MPRE minimum passing score is 80 on a scale from 50 to 150. Nationwide, MPRE minimum scores range from 75 to 86, putting Florida in the middle.