ACC provides a summary of state rules for practicing as in-house counsel in a state where you are not admitted to the bar. Please make the check payable to The Florida Bar.Bar reciprocity in the United States is a concept that allows attorneys to practice law in a state other than the one in which they're licensed. Under the model UPL rule inhouse counsel exception, if you are licensed in any US state you should be able to work in any other state as inhouse counsel. The California State Bar permits nonCalifornia admitted lawyers to practice as inhouse counsel in the state under certain circumstances. The following questions are frequently asked about admission to The Florida Bar. Each of the questions below is linked to its corresponding answer. Remote practice does not alter a lawyer's ethical duties under the California Rules of Professional Conduct and the State Bar Act. Six months ago, the company hired a new General Counsel who is not licensed in the state. Fulfill your California MCLE requirements quickly and hassle-free with hand-picked courses.