If you know your lawyer is deceased, please call 213-765-1715 and leave a detailed message, including the name of the lawyer. Please submit a Licensee Records and Compliance Inquiry form online and provide the lawyer's name and State Bar number.Looking for lawyers in San Diego? Contact the San Diego Lawyer Referral and Information Service for referrals and up to 30 min. Since 1981, the Law Offices of Stanley C. Franklin has exclusively represented the rights of seriously injured people in Los Angeles and throughout California. California's Rule 1.6 allows disclosure only with the client's informed consent or to prevent a crime likely to result in death or substantial bodily harm. Supreme Court of California. The New York State Court of Appeals adopted a new rule requiring applicants for admission to the New York State bar to perform 50 hours of pro bono services. Heltzel, the Court affirmed the Eleventh District Court of Appeals' judgment on the authority of the decision in State v. Hickman. Page 1 of 144. 14590.